Thursday, January 20, 2011

School & Sickness: The Perfect Combo

Don't you just love getting sick? The flu/food poison kind. Actually I'd rather die than feel like this ever again. I would honestly rather have pneumonia for a week than feel nauseated for ten minutes. I don't handle flu well. I had to miss classes yesterday because of this awful sickness. If you know me than you know how bad it is when I miss class. Mike did take very good care of me though but then he got sick... Oops. I'm trying to feel better today. I don't want to let myself be sick. I HATE BEING SICK!! I wouldn't let myself throw up because it honestly SCARES me. Pathetic I know but oh well. Only one more day of the second week of the second semester. All the reading just might kill me. Well I'm off to WalMart so goodbye! (:

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