Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and Brunettes.

First of all-- I'm no longer a blonde. Freaky, I know. It't taking quite a bit of adjusting but I do like it. I miss my blonde hair on occasion but I feel more grown up now and more like it's me. (: Second of all-- Happy Halloween!! haha well... on Saturday. I had the most amazing weekend of my life. Mike got up here around ten on Friday and we hung out till midnight. We watched the movie Clue (we more talked than actually watched the movie but oh well) and we went to Maverick and while we were there I playfully slapped Mike and the guy working there was like... no no no. You don't slap; it's closed fist as hard as you can. I laughed pretty hard. On Saturday Mike and I went to Panda around noon and then we went to the mall and hung out there for awhile with Megan (Mike's older sister), Eric (Megan's husband) and their friends. It was quite entertaining but I had fun. I jus love being with Mike. After the mall we went back to my house and made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. It's quite interesting when we cook together. We actually work really well together. Later on we took my brothers trick-or-treating. Mike kept going to tell them what to do-- things that would keep them safe-- and then he'd stop himself because he didn't want to be mean. It was cute; he'll be a very good dad someday. My brothers kept us on our toes running from house to house. After trick-or-treating for awhile we went home and went to Mike's aunt's house and hung out there with Mike's friend Cole and his girlfriend Alison. Emily (Mike's lil cousin) was jumping all over us like the whole time. It was cute for a little bit. Mike is so cute to me I can't even handle it. I don't know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as him but I love him so much and am so grateful for him. He went home on Sunday and now I'm impatiently waiting the next time I'll see him. I already miss him oh so much. There isn't a better guy than him in the entire world. I love him.

My new hair.