Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Past

Wow... it's been quite some time and a lot has happened. My first semester of college is over and I'm ready for the second semester to start. I really like college and living on my own. I'm still not sure as to what my plans are for next year. I can't believe how fast 2010 went by. In 2011 I'm going to try to be better about writing on my blog. Mike and I are pretty much back together... maybe not officially but we might as well be. I don't exactly know where we're going to end up but I'm willing to stick around and find out. I really hope that in the end everything will work out for us. We are truly perfect for each other and I love him so much. On New Years Eve Mike and I had been together for two years. Sometimes it seems like it's been soo much longer and other times it feels like it hasn't been anywhere near that long. I love being with him though and having him be apart of my life. I hope we have infinite more years together. For now though, there's just some problems we need to solve in our relationship and in ourselves before we can make any plans for our life together. For now, us getting married is being put off. We'll see what happens in the future.

There was one good thing that has come from Mike and I taking a break: I got closer to some of the girls that live in my dorm. My friend Allie has pretty much become my best friend (besides Mike). She is hilarious and so fun to be around. She helped me through my hardest time and she continues to be there for me no matter what. A part of me feels like part of the reason I was supposed to go to CEU was to meet her. She is awesome and I love her to death. She brings out the crazy in me but the good crazy.

Too much has really happened to explain it all but I'll be better at writing in 2011 and I'll put up some pictures from December 2010. Happy New Years and I hope we all have the best 2011 ever!
This is Allie and I at Temple Square.
This is me, Allie, and Taryn at Temple square. Oh and my big ugly boot... don't forget that. Soo glad that's off! Anyway, we went up to Temple Square because Allie and Tarym were singing with the Institute choir and I just came along for the ride.

The Salt Lake Temple. Where I WILL get married someday.

This is Allie, me, and D'Lee at their family Christmas party that I got to tag along to.

This is Allie and I getting all ready for our wo-man date. (Our girls night) It involved lots of junk food and possibly some chick flicks.

Haha this is an awful picture of us but I love it. We went and played in the snow in the mountains. I even still had my monstrous boot on so we wrapped it in a garbage bag. I loved it and we had a lot of fun even though lots of people got stuck a lot... even the big, bad Duramax... haha

I had an amazing 2010 and I hope 2011 is even better. My goal is to make it that way!

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