Saturday, November 13, 2010
The End
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
ER Visit
Monday, October 18, 2010
Cutest Future Nephew!
This first one is of Travis and Mike. This was the night that we went and played basketball. Travis is the oldest of all the grand kids; he'll be two in November.
These last two are of Baby Dylan. He is my favorite. He is THE cutest baby ever! He is so happy. His mom calls me his girlfriend because he gets so happy whenever he sees me. I adore him.
Anyway... this weekend: interesting. Megan and I took seven hours to deep clean her kitchen- just the kitchen. It made me freaking tired. Other than that the weekend was kinda boring. Now I'm back at school and classes are normal. I have an english paper due on Wednesday that I keep procrastinating. I don't have my Excel class for the rest of the week- thank heavens! We're going camping/hunting this weekend and it's going to be COLD! I am excited though. Mike's bishop thinks that a goal to get married in the temple this Summer is a good idea so I hope we can make that happen!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Finally Fall!!

So my best friend is all grown up and married.

I'm so very proud of Chantel! She found an amazing guy who treats her right. Not quite as good as my boy but no one's perfect. (:Chantel and Ken's wedding was beautiful. I cried. I loved being a bridesmaid. I loved seeing Chantel so happy. Thank you Ken for handling Chantel right. Mike came and picked me up Tuesday night after the wedding and we came home. He was soo cute to me because he missed me. He always makes sure to take perfect care of me. The rest of that week went by so fast. My classes are getting harder. Only my Excel class really. It's kicking my butt. It literally gives me a headache and makes me want to cry. I got it up until now but now I call my mom every day and ask for help. She's amazing. She always helps me without complaining. Even when I need help with the three assignments I have to d

He's such a good sport; he HATES pictures. He only gives into me sometimes. I love him. On Saturday we went up North to see Crystal in the hospital. Two days after she had baby Chloe she found out that she PPH (Primary Pulmonary Hypertension) I don't exactly know what it is but it's not good. Please pray for her. The Hurst family has a fundraiser going for her to help pay for all the treatments she's going to need. Miracles still do happen so please pray. Seth and Chloe need her.
This week is going by soo slow. Yesterday night we went to the elementary school and played PIG with Travis. Mike won. Let me tell you how much I liked that. I took pictures of that night but I'll put them up later. I'm only going to one class tomorrow and then it's Fall Break! Woo Hoo! On Saturday we're hopefully going to call in elk and just watch them. I'm stoked. Next weekend we're going camping/hunting. There's gonna be bathrooms!! (: Haha I'll get over that some day. I'm loving college and being closer to Mike. I do miss my family though. It's really kicked in this week. I have the best life ever. Lately I've felt so close to the Spirit. Nothing that would drive the Spirit away appeals to me at all. I hope I can keep this feeling with me at all times. I know the Church is true with my whole heart and soul. I can't imagine my life without the Gospel in it. Mom thank you for never giving up on me. I'm glad God never gave up on me either. I now know that no matter what you can be forgiven. Thank you to everyone who always believed in me. I'm glad that I finally opened my eyes. Next step: marry Michael Levi Hurst in the temple for time and all eternity.

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Weekend Away
Mike and I are doing really good. I feel like we're on the right path. We do our best to stay as close to the Lord as possible. Rifle season starts up here pretty soon and that's going to be interesting. Mike will get his deer. I'm just going along for the experience. Eventually I'll start hunting but for now I get excited enough just for Mike.
I wish I had signed up for the cosmetology program on time. I hate taking generals and I just want to get to the interesting stuff. I need to start looking harder for a job. There's a lot of things I SHOULD do. I need to go do them now. I know that I'm doing the right things in my life right now. I'm just waiting fot the Lord to tell me what's next.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Mike wanted to ride the bike with Travis. They're very cute. I'm excited to go home and see my family and Chantel. This year is alreday going by soo fast. I just really want fall to come. It's still too hot.
"If we spend all our time judging people we'll never have the time to love them."
- President Thomas S. Monson
Thursday, September 16, 2010
My cousin Clarissa is getting married tomorrow and I am so excited for her. Her and Braden make a great couple and I'm glad they found each other. I'm going to one of my old young women's leader's baby shower on Saturday morning and then I'm going to Crystal's baby shower Saturday afternoon. Crystal is Seth's girlfriend and Seth is Mike's brother. Complicated but anyway... his weekend is going to be quite hectic but I'll manage. I also need to squeeze some homework in there somewhere.
Last night my Ipod managed to get EVERYTHING deleted off of it. I cried. Two years of my favorite music down the drain. Luckily my boyfriend is amazing and he's letting me take his laptop home with me so I can try to get some music back AND he sent his own Ipod with me too so I can have music. That boy treats me like a queen and sometimes I don't deserve it. Mike got his hair cut yesterday and he looks beyond amazing. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
Labor Day weekend was quite interesting. Mike and I started it off by going hunting with Megan, Eric, and baby Dylan. Mike shot at a three point but he forgot his bow was shooting high so he BARELY missed it. Seeing Mike hunting made him quite the more attractive to me and I don't know why. Later on we saw a HUGE deer but we were too far away and it casually trotted off. Mike wasn't very happy with himself but I was proud of him. I actually liked hunting. I enjoy being out in the wild. The mountains can bring people closer to God than ever before and I love it. We'll be going hunting again when he rifle hunt starts. The next day Mike, Sam, Emily, Hannah, Daniel, Ailicia, Dustin, and I all went up the cabins for one night. Mike taught me how to shoot a gun and we practiced with BB guns. I started to get a little cocky and challenged Mike which wasn't the best idea because he has much more experience. We also played horseshoes which didn't last very long because sometimes I'm a poor sport. While we were there I peed in the woods for the first time and it wasn't as bad as I expected. I'm growing up (: I had a really good weekend and it was nice seeing Mike in his element.
School's been going well go far so we'll see how it goes from here. I really like most of my roommates and we've started bonding on a better level which is good. The girl's are really good and good examples for me. Sometimes we get a little crazy but that's just girls. I'm glad I got the chance to experience all this. Life just keeps on changing.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Living with roommates is different. I feel obligated to ask to do everything and it wasn't even that way when I lived at home. It was much easier living with my sister. I miss my family A LOT but I know this moving out thing is needed. I've already learned a lot so I can only imagine what's next. Labor Day is this Monday so I already get a break. I get to go home and see my family in a couple weeks, so I'm pretty happy with my life.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Changes in the Making
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Now I wanna touch on another subject: the weather. Ugh! I think Mother Nature has more personalities than ever. It's snowing one minute then bright and sunny the next. It's giving me a headache! But anyway, there's less than a month till I gradduate and I'm soo excited. I'm more than looking forward to summer. (:
Friday, April 23, 2010

i like it on somedays but not usually. I miss my long white blonde hair so that's what i'm going back to.
I went down to see Mike's family this last weekend. On Saturday there was a baby shower for Megan and an anniversary party for Mike's parents. On Sunday there was a baby blessing for Mike's nephew, Chandler. I loved it! I love Mike's family so much-i feel like i fit in there which is a very good thing. Mike and I are doing amazing. I love him more than anything and can't wait to be married to him; which could happen within the next year and a half, cross your fingers!
There's only 36 days till graduation! I really can't believe it; i never thought this day would come. The time is coming for me to actually grow up. Life could get interesting; good though. (:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I didn't know it was possible to feel like this. I thought I'd loved people before but when I reached the point where I knew I loved Mike, I really knew I loved Mike. He makes me feel so amazing and beautiful, and when I'm with him nothing could possibly go wrong in the world. He brings a whole new meaning to the word forever. The thought of being without him completely knocks the air out of me. I'm not Danielle without Mike Hurst. He makes me want to be a better person, he makes me want to be the best I can be so I can feel like I deserve him more. He is the most amazing man ever. He's smart, funny, loving, sweet, caring, handsome, righteous, everything I could possibly want in my husband. No one can put a smile on my face like he can. One look at him and I'm the happiest person in the world. My favorite sound: Mike's voice. My favorite sight: Mike smiling. My favorite person: Mike. No words can describe how i feel about him. I am the luckiest person ever.
I'm so grateful for him. It was a good weekend.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What a Weekend

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Almost Friday!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Chandler Hurst

Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
all the things missed.