Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chandler Hurst

I know--he's adorable. He gets to leave the hospital on either Thursday or Friday. He is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. I got to hold him and he just slept the whole time. Yesterday was an amazing day. I loved spending time with Mike and it made me feel rejuvenated. They came and got me around eleven and we went up to the hospital. It was Ailicia, Whitney, Teresea, Seth, Crystal, Alisha, Sam, Mike, and I. We sat in the waiting room most of the time while we all took turns going back to see the baby. I wish I could have gone with to watch Mike hold the baby but I guess we can't have everything. We were at the hospital till around five. At lunch time we were all sitting around eating and Seth went to put a cherry tomato in his mouth and he bit down on it--it went everywhere, and guess who was sitting across from him: me. Luckily it barely didn't get on me but it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure the people next to us thought we were crazy. I was with Mike until a little after seven. Next time I see him will be the weekend of Valentine's Day; I now feel like I can make it there. Chantel's most likely going to come get me after school and we'll hang out for a bit and I'm going sledding tonight--it's going to be a good day. I'm hoping these next two and a half weeks will go by extremely fast.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I thought i wan't gonna be able to see Mike till February 12th but he's coming up late tonight and I get to miss school tomorrow to spend time with him. I'm so excited! This is such a stress reliever. My mom and I have recently realized that I have chronic depression--it runs in the family and I unluckily have it too. I've been struggling a lot lately with everything going on and I've been trying to deal with having this problem. On Friday night I went to the library and checked out many books on depression and how to deal with it. I'm trying to deal with it in a positive way--i refuse to get on medication for it. I can handle it on my own--i'll fight it off. But again, I'm very happy and excited to see Mike tomorrow. Mike, Ailicia, and I are going up to Primary Children's to see baby Chandler. I'll get pictures and update after tomorrow.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

all the things missed.

Here's some pictures of Mike and I and of Christmas.
The 1st picture is two of my little brothers and I on Christmas morning--eating our traditional sugar cereal. The 2nd picture is my cousin Mike and I at my aunt Jill's house for Christmas Eve breakfast. The last two pictures are obviously of Mike and I. It'll be thirteen months on the 31st. I won't see him again until February 12th, but at least he'll be up here for Valentine's Day! I'm trying to teach myself to live in the present instead of always waiting for the next thing to happen, i think i'll be a happier person that way. Matt and Kara are getting married in less than a month and I'm freaking out a little bit about it. I'm so glad that they've ended up together! My cousin and one of my closest friends--I love it. She'll definitely fit in in our family. I'm excited for them and I can't wait for my turn. It's almost Friday and that is a gift in and of it's self. I'm gonna go home today, get in sweats, lay in bed, and watch the Notebook; my idea of a perfect afternoon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Web Page Design

In my web design class our assignment was to make a blog and create a post--which i think is a pretty cool assignment. In this class we're gonna learn how to create our own web pages--we'll get to use all that crazy html codes. I'm pretty excited about the class so we'll see how it goes. I haven't written in a long time. I'm half way through my senior year and i feel like it's gonna last forever. I feel like i'm running out of time for everything. The earthquake in Haiti has affected me quite a bit. This morning my mom told me that in a 24 hour period Yellowstone had 200 earthquakes over the weekend. That's here in Utah and I'm scared. I'm worried about everything that's gonna start happening in the world. It makes me rethink so much about my life. There's also a lot of other little things on my mind. Me and Mike have been together for over a year--which is crazy to me. I love him so much and I can't wait to spend forever with him. His brother's wife just had their baby yesterday--Chandler Hurst. He's so cute. Megan's pregnant and is due either in May or June, i can't remember which. I'm very excited for all of them, pretty soon they'll be my nieces and nephews. I'm quite happy with how my life is right now--I've been getting everything back on track to how it should be. I'm so grateful for my family, especially my mom, i'm thankful for Mike and his family, and God. I can make it through anything.